
Weight Loss Management

Internal Medicine & Emergency Medicine located in Channelview, TX
Weight Loss Management

Weight Loss Management services offered in Channelview, TX

If you feel  the diet or exercise plan is not working for you, it’s time to consider the benefits of the weight-loss management services available at the office of Angel Perez, MD, PA. As an experienced internal medicine physician, Dr. Perez understands the toll excess weight takes on your long-term health. Under his medical supervision of weight-loss, you can learn how to reach a healthy body weight and maintain it for the rest of your life. Call the office in Channelview, Texas, to schedule a weight-loss management consultation or request an appointment online today. 

When should I consider weight-loss management?

Your weight plays a role in your long-term health. If you’re overweight or obese, your risk for a wide range of chronic medical conditions increases significantly. These conditions include but not limeted to:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Back problems
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnea
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Gallstones

Excess weight can also put unnecessary pressure on your joints and make you prone to osteoarthritis and chronic joint pain.

As you get older, losing weight can become more difficult. You may also struggle to lose weight if you have underlying health issues  such as hormone imbalance or thyroid condition.

The weight-loss management services available at the office of Angel Perez, MD, PA, focus on helping you reach a healthy body weight. Customized treatment plans support safe, long-lasting weight-loss results.

What can I expect during my initial weight-loss management consultation?

During your initial weight-loss management consultation at the office of Angel Perez, MD, PA, your provider spends time reviewing your medical history to better understand your health. He will also complete a physical exam to assess important details such as your weight, height, and blood pressure.

You can also expect to discuss your lifestyle and dietary habits with your weight-loss specialist. This information helps your provider identify what weight-loss strategies are a good fit for you.

Once you get started on your weight-loss journey, your provider continues to monitor your progress during routine checkups. As you reach each of your milestonesm, he will help you set new goals. The provider can also give you resources that support long-term weight management.

Call the office of Angel Perez, MD, PA, to schedule a weight-loss management consultation or request an appointment online today.